Can, Hudson, Lorie, Speaker, Sage, and River
River, Sage, and Canuck all qualified for the 2007 National Agility Trial!!!!
***** Bridge earned his VCCH and Champion Tracker Title on May 9, 2021! *****
***** Gunny earned his TD on March 9, 2021 the exact day he turned 9 months old! *****
***** Bridge earned his OTCH at the Huntsville Obedience Club Trial June 1, 2014! *****
***** Bridge Qualifies for the 2016 and 2017 National Obedience Championship! *****
***** Bridge earns 4th Place in Masters at the AKC Obedience Classic 2014 and 2017 ! *****
***** Bridge makes top 10 at Westminster AKC Obedience Invitational *****
***** Soldier earns his TD at the 2017 Golden Retriever National on first try and earned his CDX title in November 2017 *****
Welcome to Rosehill Retrievers! Rosehill Retrievers is nestled amongst the mountains and streams on the brow of the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. We believe in motivational training methods and a high standard for our dogs in field, obedience and agility.
Our retrievers are competitors, hunting companions, and house dogs, and are an integral part of our lives. Our breeding philosophy is to breed only to give something back to the breed itself. Sound dogs of good health, intelligence, drive, birdiness, good work ethic, and proper structure and temperament are what we strive to achieve. Our dogs must "prove" themselves before they are offered for breeding.
We hope you will visit us often!

Webinar Training
Lorie's on-demand video series is available at www.e-trainingfordogs.com.RELIABLE RETRIEVER SKILLS
Beginning Basics
Handling Basics And Transitions
Teaching A Dependable Fetch
Remote Lessons and
Problem Solving Available!
Send a video clip of the issue you are having and receive a critique and/or lesson video to resolve it. Video lessons available upon request.