Retriever Training - Teaching A Dependable Fetch
(All videos)

Retriever Training - Teaching A Dependable Fetch:
Using motivational teaching methods and the "clicker" or a combination of both, these videos will give you the tools for teaching your retriever a dependable fetch without force or pressure. These retriever training videos will combine formal sessions and game based exercises to achieve a reliable fetch and delivery to hand for obedience and field work.

Instructor: Lorie Jolly

Course Length: 28 video demonstration lessons

Course Cost: $55.00 USD

Register HERE (note, registration is through E-Training for Dogs)

Teaching Fetch
Introduction to Finger Fetch with Puppy
Introduction to Dumbbell
Formal Dumbbell Introduction
Dumbbell Hold
Dumbbell Fetch and Hold-Duration
Reaching for Dumbbell-Part I
Reaching for Dumbbell-Part II
Learning to Walk and Hold the Dumbbell
Building Speed for Pick-up and Delivery
Catch Game
Reach and Pick up with Bumper-Part I
Reach and Pick up with Bumper-Part II
Transition into the Yard/Field
Building Drive Games

Clicker Fetch
Clicker Fetch Equipment
Loading the Clicker and Touch Game
Creating Interest
Taking Dumbbell into Mouth
Dumbbell Hold
Reaching for Dumbell and Building Hold Duration
Pick Up Game
Pick Up and Delivery
Establishing a Target
Retrieve to Front to Target
Dumbbell Retrieve to Heel Position
Building Speed on the Pick Up and Delivery
Introduction to Bumper Fetch
Transition to Yard/Field

Curlee gets his first Hunt Ribbon at WISILL Fun Hunt 3-31-2012 one day short of five months old!

Access: You will have 60 days of unlimited access to all 28 demonstration video lessons.

Remote Lessons and
Problem Solving Available!

Send a video clip of the issue you are having and receive a critique and/or lesson video to resolve it. Video lessons available upon request.

Training Tip: